Monday, April 26, 2021

Persische Miniaturmalerei Kunstgalerie


Persische Miniaturmalerei Kunstgalerie


 Eine persische Miniatur (persisch: نگارگری ایرانی negârgari Irâni) ist ein kleines persisches Gemälde auf Papier, sei es eine Buchillustration oder ein separates Kunstwerk, das in einem Album solcher Werke aufbewahrt werden soll, das als Muraqqa bezeichnet wird. Die Techniken sind weitgehend vergleichbar mit den westlichen mittelalterlichen und byzantinischen Traditionen von Miniaturen in illuminierten Manuskripten. Obwohl es eine ebenso gut etablierte persische Tradition der Wandmalerei gibt, ist die Überlebensrate und der Erhaltungszustand von Miniaturen besser, und Miniaturen sind die bekannteste Form der persischen Malerei im Westen und viele der wichtigsten Beispiele sind in westlichen oder türkischen Museen. Die Miniaturmalerei wurde im 13. Jahrhundert zu einem bedeutenden Genre der persischen Kunst und erhielt nach den mongolischen Eroberungen chinesischen Einfluss. und der höchste Punkt in der Tradition wurde im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert erreicht. Die Tradition setzte sich danach unter westlichem Einfluss fort und hat viele moderne Vertreter. Die persische Miniatur war der dominierende Einfluss auf andere islamische Miniaturtraditionen, hauptsächlich die osmanische Miniatur in der Türkei und die Mughal-Miniatur auf dem indischen Subkontinent.

Die persische Kunst unter dem Islam hatte die menschliche Figur nie vollständig verboten, und in der Miniaturtradition ist die Darstellung von Figuren, oft in großer Zahl, von zentraler Bedeutung. Dies lag zum Teil daran, dass die Miniatur eine private Form ist, die in einem Buch oder Album aufbewahrt und nur denen gezeigt wird, die der Eigentümer auswählt. Es war daher möglich, freier zu sein als in Wandgemälden oder anderen Werken, die von einem breiteren Publikum gesehen wurden. Es ist nicht bekannt, dass der Koran und andere rein religiöse Werke auf diese Weise illustriert wurden, obwohl Geschichten und andere Werke der Literatur religiös verwandte Szenen enthalten können, einschließlich solcher, die den islamischen Propheten Muhammad nach 1500 darstellen, normalerweise ohne sein Gesicht zu zeigen.

Neben den figurativen Szenen in Miniaturen, auf die sich dieser Artikel konzentriert, gab es einen parallelen Stil der nicht figurativen dekorativen Dekoration, der in Rändern und Tafeln auf Miniaturseiten und Leerzeichen am Anfang oder Ende eines Werks oder Abschnitts gefunden wurde. und oft auf ganzen Seiten als Frontispiz. In der islamischen Kunst wird dies als "Erleuchtung" bezeichnet, und Manuskripte des Korans und anderer religiöser Bücher enthielten oft eine beträchtliche Anzahl beleuchteter Seiten. Die Entwürfe spiegelten zeitgenössische Arbeiten in anderen Medien wider, in späteren Perioden besonders nahe an Buchumschlägen und Persisch Teppiche, und es wird angenommen, dass viele Teppichentwürfe von Hofkünstlern entworfen und an die Werkstätten in den Provinzen geschickt wurden.

In späteren Perioden wurden Miniaturen zunehmend als einzelne Werke geschaffen, die in Alben namens Muraqqa aufgenommen wurden, anstatt als illustrierte Bücher. Dies ermöglichte es nicht-königlichen Sammlern, sich eine repräsentative Auswahl von Werken aus verschiedenen Stilen und Epochen zu leisten.

Präsentation einer Illustration aus den gesammelten Werken von Mir Ali Shir Nawai *, die Shaykh Zadeh zugeschrieben wird, der ein Herat war, der 15 c ausgebildet wurde. Künstler.

Der moderne Künstler hat das Gemälde in winziger Zartheit ausgeführt, wobei die menschlichen Motive, die Flora und die ausgearbeiteten Passagen geometrischer und arabesker Ornamente besonders berücksichtigt wurden. .  

Dies ist Kunst im persischen Stil vom Feinsten. Das hervorragende handgemachte Kunstwerk wurde mit akribischen Pinselstrichen und feinen Aquarellen hervorragend umgesetzt.

Das Gemälde ist auf Papier mit handgeschriebenen islamischen Schriften auf Vorder- und Rückseite gemalt.


Die Farben werden aus bestimmten Mineralien, pflanzlichen Quellen und Muschelschalen gewonnen. Die verwendeten Pinsel waren sehr gut.


100% handgemacht

Größe -    21 * 13 cm (ungefähr)

Persische Miniaturmalerei Kunstwerk

Miniaturen sind kleine, bunte Bilder von   The   Royal - King  gemalt Mineral- und Pflanzenfarben in glüht.

Die Farben werden aus bestimmten Mineralien, pflanzlichen Quellen und Muschelschalen gewonnen. Die verwendeten Pinsel waren sehr gut.

Größe -   30 * 19 cm (ungefähr)

Antike Islam Kunstgalerie Qazar König der Türkei Persische Miniaturmalerei

Dies ist ein hochtalentierter und erfahrener Künstler, der die prunkvollen Gemälde auf Papier produziert.

Miniaturen sind kleine, farbenfrohe Bilder des königlichen Königs, die in leuchtenden Mineral- und Pflanzenfarben gemalt sind.

Die Farben werden aus bestimmten Mineralien, pflanzlichen Quellen und Muschelschalen gewonnen. Die verwendeten Pinsel waren sehr gut.

100% handgemacht


Vintage offizielle Briefmarke von Bhopal State of India **  

Vom 5. Juli 1926 (Urdu-Sprache)

Sehr altes seltenes antikes Gerichtsstempelpapier 

(Repariert und gebogen in Papier-Vintage)

Größe -                    30 * 20 cm (ungefähr)

Farbe -                    Hellgoldrutengelb, Lila, Khaki, Gelb, Weiß & Schwarz

Thema -                     Königlicher König,

                                           Offizielle Briefmarke von Bhopal Nawab-King ** 

Muster -                    Persische Malerei

Produktcode -                     BJ-852

Arabische persische Miniaturmalerei Kunstgalerie König Krieger Kampf mit Drachen

Größe 19 * 13 cm (ungefähr)

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Persian Miniature Painting Art Gallery


 A Persian miniature (Persian: نگارگری ایرانی negârgari Irâni) is a small Persian painting on paper, whether a book illustration or a separate work of art intended to be kept in an album of such works called a muraqqa. The techniques are broadly comparable to the Western Medieval and Byzantine traditions of miniatures in illuminated manuscripts. Although there is an equally well-established Persian tradition of wall-painting, the survival rate and state of preservation of miniatures is better, and miniatures are much the best-known form of Persian painting in the West, and many of the most important examples are in Western, or Turkish, museums. Miniature painting became a significant genre in Persian art in the 13th century, receiving Chinese influence after the Mongol conquests, and the highest point in the tradition was reached in the 15th and 16th centuries. The tradition continued, under some Western influence, after this, and has many modern exponents. The Persian miniature was the dominant influence on other Islamic miniature traditions, principally the Ottoman miniature in Turkey, and the Mughal miniature in the Indian sub-continent.

Persian art under Islam had never completely forbidden the human figure, and in the miniature tradition the depiction of figures, often in large numbers, is central. This was partly because the miniature is a private form, kept in a book or album and only shown to those the owner chooses. It was therefore possible to be more free than in wall paintings or other works seen by a wider audience. The Quran and other purely religious works are not known to have been illustrated in this way, though histories and other works of literature may include religiously related scenes, including those depicting the Islamic prophet Muhammad, after 1500 usually without showing his face.

As well as the figurative scenes in miniatures, which this article concentrates on, there was a parallel style of non-figurative ornamental decoration which was found in borders and panels in miniature pages, and spaces at the start or end of a work or section, and often in whole pages acting as frontispieces. In Islamic art this is referred to as "illumination", and manuscripts of the Quran and other religious books often included considerable number of illuminated pages.The designs reflected contemporary work in other media, in later periods being especially close to book-covers and Persian carpets, and it is thought that many carpet designs were created by court artists and sent to the workshops in the provinces.

In later periods miniatures were increasingly created as single works to be included in albums called muraqqa, rather than illustrated books. This allowed non-royal collectors to afford a representative sample of works from different styles and periods.

Presenting an  illustration from the Collected Works of Mir Ali Shir Nawai*,  attributable to Shaykh Zadeh who was a Herat trained 15 c. artist.

The  modern artist has executed the painting in minute delicacy with a  marked attention to the human subjects, flora and elaborated passages of  geometric and arabesque ornament. .  

This  is Persian style art at its finest. The superb handmade artwork has  been brilliantly achieved with use of meticulous brushwork and fine  watercolors.

The  painting is done on paper with hand-written Islamic scripts on front  and back.


The   colors extracted from certain minerals, plant sources, conch shells. Brushes   used were very fine.


100%   Handmade

Size -   21 * 13 cm (approx)

Persian Miniature Painting Artwork

Miniatures are small, colorful pictures of  The  Royal King painted in glowing mineral and vegetable colors.

The colors extracted from certain minerals, plant sources, conch shells. Brushes used were very fine.

Size -  30 * 19 cm (approx)

Antique Islam Art Gallery Qazar King of Turkey Persian Miniature Painting

This is highly talented and skilled artists produce the ostentatious paintings on paper.

Miniatures are small, colorful pictures of  The  Royal King painted in glowing mineral and vegetable colors.

The colors extracted from certain minerals, plant sources, conch shells. Brushes used were very fine.

100% Handmade


Vintage Official Stamp of Bhopal State of India **  

Dated 5 Jul. 1926(Urdu Language)

Very Old Rare Antique Court Stamp Paper 

(Repaired And  Bent In Paper-Vintage)

Size                -                   30 * 20 cm (approx)

Color              -                   Light goldenrod yellow,purple,khaki,yellow,white & black

Theme           -                    Royal King,

                                           Bhopal Nawab- King's Official Stamp** 

Pattern           -                   Persian Painting

Product  Code-                    BJ-852

Arab Persian Miniature Painting art gallery King warrior fight with dragon

Size    19 * 13  cm (approx)

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Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Hindu God Painting Vedic Artwork Drawing


 Indian Painting art Hindu God Vishnu Laxmi Indra Ethnic Hindu Religious

This   is highly talented and skilled artists produce the ostentatious paintings on   paper.


Miniatures   are small, colorful pictures of  Krishna Lila painted in glowing   mineral and vegetable colors.


The   colors extracted from certain minerals, plant sources, conch shells. Brushes   used were very fine.


100%   Handmade

Hindu God Ganesha Rajasthan Painting Handmade Indian Miniature Art India

Material- Paper

Size- 7*4 inches (approx)

yoga yogi Seven chakra kundlini meditation Indian Miniature painting

                                 Size -  31 * 22  cm (approx)  

                                    Material - Paper sheet 

Meditation Buddha Handmade oil painting by Artist

                                                 Size -30 * 23 cm (approx)

                                      Material - Canvas 

Indian Art Sikh Guru Gobind Singh Sahab Handmade oil painting by Artist

                                                Size30 * 23 cm (approx)

                                    Material - Canvas 

Hindu God Krishna Lila Gopi Divine Love athenic Art Traditional Painting

                                      Size  -  24 * 16  cm (approx)

                                      Material - Paper Sheet 

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Indian Miniature Painbting Royal King Painting


 Royal King India portrait painting india Watercolor   Handmade Art Palace Fort

Product - Handmade Traditional Indian   Miniature Painting

This   is highly talented and skilled artists produce the ostentatious paintings on     paper.Miniatures   are small, colorful pictures of  Royal King painted in glowing   mineral and vegetable colors.
The   colors extracted from certain minerals, plant sources, conch shells. Brushes   used were very fine.

100%     Handmade
Material  -  Paper Sheet
Size       -  32 *  22  cm (approx)
Color      -  Light  goldenrod yellow,purple,khaki,yellow,white &   black
Theme    -  Royal King of India
 Pattern    - Indian  Art

Harem Indian Mughal Miniature Painting King India Classical Vintage Ethnic Art

Exquisite super high detail painting on old paper from Jaipur, India.   This painting depicts a Mughal Prince in India with his lovers.  An immensely detailed background with  gold leaf and color from crushed stones makes this a truly characteristics were elongation of human faces, lavish use of green and depiction of panoramic landscapes.

This painting is truly a work of art of superior quality!  The real gold leaf work tiny nuances in the background, such as the patterns in the wall and the carpets, as well as the silverware!  These paintings come in a variety of qualities -- this painting is of superior quality, the artist is very experienced, which can be seen in the subject chosen, which is quite mysterious and open to interpretation, the nuanced detail, the emotion in the faces!resonates through the lines, bringing the details to life!  Notice the fine details in the faces and costumes, as well as the many masterful work! 

Made in: Jaipur, India
Materials: Crushed stone colors, gold leaf, old paper 

size -  34 * 20 cm(approx)

With out Frame/ No Frame

Mughal Emperors Moghul King Harem love Indian Miniature painting artwork

This is highly talented and skilled artists produce the ostentatious paintings on old paper.

Miniatures are small, colorful pictures of  Mughal King   painted in glowing mineral and vegetable  colors.

Inspired by the graceful and romantic lifestyles of the Mughals, the painting emphasizes the lives of the royalty of the times. It is full of life and color  in a luxurious world of physical beauty and sensuality.  

The painting is done on   paper sheet . 

The colors extracted from certain minerals, plant sources, conch  shells. Brushes used were very  fine.

100% Handmade

Paper Size   30 * 20 cm (approx)
Painting Size 23 * 19 cm (approx)

Paper Painting court stamp antique art Gallery Antique ethnic Royal Rajput King

This is highly talented and skilled artists produce the ostentatious paintings on Antique court Stamp Paper.

Miniatures are small, colorful pictures of  Royal Queen painted in glowing mineral and vegetable colors.

The colors extracted from certain minerals, plant sources, conch shells. Brushes used were very fine.

100% Handmade

Antique Paper
Kishangarh State(India) King's Official  Court Stamp Paper
Hole,bent in Paper,Repaired 
pre 1935

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Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Animal Wild life artwork Art Gallery


 Bengal Tiger India Animal Wildlife Miniature

 Painting Art Forest African art

Product           -                 Handmade Traditional Indian  Miniature Painting


This   is highly talented and skilled artists produce the ostentatious paintings on Paper sheet.

Miniatures   are small, colorful pictures of  Bengal tiger  painted in   glowing mineral and vegetable colors.

The   colors extracted from certain minerals, plant sources, conch shells. Brushes   used were very fine.

100%    Handmade

 Material                -                  Paper Sheet

Size                       -                  26 * 23 Cm (approx)

Color                     -                   Light  goldenrod yellow,purple,khaki,yellow,white &  black

Theme                   -                  Bengal tiger

Pattern                  -                  Indian  Art,wild life

Product   Code     -                 MS-2503

                         Miniature Painting Royal Horse                              



Handmade Traditional Indian Miniature Painting




This   is highly talented and skilled artists produce the ostentatious paintings on cloth.


Miniatures   are small, colorful pictures of  Royal Horse painted in glowing   mineral and vegetable colors.


The   colors extracted from certain minerals, plant sources, conch shells. Brushes   used were very fine.


100%   Handmade




Thin Cloth




28 * 21  cm (approx)




Light   goldenrod yellow,purple,khaki,yellow,white & black




Royal Horse




Indian Art


Product  Code



Handmade Miniature Artwork Gallery Animal American Black Bear Painting

Handmade Water color Painting  by Artist on
 faux(synthetic)ivory sheet.

Product                  -                  Handmade Traditional Indian Miniature Painting


This is highly talented and skilled artists produce the ostentatious paintings on faux (synthetic)ivory.

Miniatures are small, colorful pictures of  The American black bear painted in glowing mineral and vegetable colors.

The colors extracted from certain minerals, plant sources, conch shells. Brushes used were very fine.

100% Handmade

Material                   -                    Opaque watercolors on faux (synthetic) ivory

Size                         -                     10 * 7.50 cm (approx)

Color                       -                     Light goldenrod yellow,purple,khaki,yellow,white & black

Theme                     -                      Animal - The American black bear**

Pattern                    -                      Indian Miniature Painting

Product  Code        -                      JS-121

**The American black bear (Ursus americanus) is a medium-sized bear native to North America. It is the continent's smallest and most widely distributed bear species. Black bears are omnivores  with their diets varying greatly depending on season and location. They  typically live in largely forested areas, but do leave forests in  search of food. Sometimes they become attracted to human communities  because of the immediate availability of food. The American black bear  is the world's most common bear species

Animal elephant Art water color Indian Miniature painting

Product                 -               Handmade Traditional Indian Miniature Painting


This   is highly talented and skilled artists produce the ostentatious paintings on   paper.

Miniatures   are small, colorful pictures of  Royal Elephant painted in glowing   mineral and vegetable colors.

The   colors extracted from certain minerals, plant sources, conch shells. Brushes   used were very fine.

100%   Handmade

Material                -                    Paper sheet

Size                      -                    25 * 20  cm (approx)

Color                    -                    Light   goldenrod yellow,purple,khaki,yellow,white & black

Theme                  -                     Royal Elephant,

Pattern                  -                     Indian Art

Product  Code       -                        MB-2203

Arabian Horse Realistic Painting Art Water color Handmade Artwork Race court

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